Writing can be lonely.
Let’s fix that!

WAW Poetry Workshops for People Afraid of Poetry

When: Saturdays May 4 and 11, 2024, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm Pacific (4:00 to 6:00 pm Eastern)

Where: On Zoom through Write Around the World, Amherst Writers & Artists Fundraiser

Registration is by donation – $20, $30, or $40 if you’d like to pay it forward and help a fellow writer to attend

In these joyful, generative workshops we will learn about poetry through writing poetry in a new way that’s accessible, intuitive and experiential. Carefully-selected prompts will build fluency and skill, while being fun to write to. We will each have a chance to share what we write with the group for (only) positive feedback, finding what’s working well in each other’s poems. Short explanations of some of the elements of poetry will be offered, but most of the time will be spent playing with words. All levels are welcome.

Kelsey is offering two separate workshops, Saturday May 4th and 11th. These are fine on their own or can be taken together. The May 4 will concentrate on figures of speech, and the May 11 will consider sound and line breaks.

About Your Facilitator:

Proud to be an AWA facilitator, Kelsey Andrews knew in grade ten that she wanted to be a poet. Her first collection of poetry, titled Big Sky Falling, came out a couple years ago. She is frustrated that some high school English teachers and textbooks have made poetry seem inaccessible, cerebral, and confusing. She hopes you’ll give her a chance to help you find they’re not like that at all.

  • “The prompts were rich. The pacing was good. The people were lovely. It was gentle and generative.”


  • "I left with so many ideas, thoughts, and first drafts.”


  • "Feels rich and deep."


  • "Loved the variety of prompts, led to surprising writing for me!"